EC Council Certified Security Licensed Penetration Tester | ECSA

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EC Council Certified Security Licensed Penetration Tester E| CSA

You are an ethical hacker. In fact, you are a Certified Ethical Hacker. Your last name is Pwned. You dream about enumeration and you can scan networks in your sleep. You have sufficient knowledge and an arsenal of hacking tools and you are also proficient in writing custom hacking code.

Is that enough?

Can you become an industry accepted security professional? Will organizations hire you to help them protect their systems? Do you have any knowledge in applying a suitable methodology to conduct a penetration test for an enterprise client? Do you have any experience writing a custom penetration testing report?

More importantly, do you have a globally recognized certification that can verify your penetration testing capabilities?

If you are the person above, what you may be lacking is the knowledge and experience to execute a successful penetration test according to accepted industry standards.

The ECSA is a security credential like no other! The ECSA course provides you with a real world hands-on penetration testing experience and is a globally accepted hacking and penetration testing class available that covers the testing of modern infrastructures, operating systems and application environments while teaching the students how to document and write a penetration testing report.

The ECSA program takes the tools and techniques you learned in the Certified Ethical Hacker course (CEH) and elevates your ability into full exploitation by teaching you how to apply the skills learned in CEH by utilizing EC-Council’s published penetration testing methodologies.

It is a highly interactive, comprehensive, standards-based and methodology intensive 5-day security training program 5-day which teaches information security professionals to conduct real life penetration tests.

This course is part of the Information Security Track of EC-Council. This is a “Professional” level course, with the Certified Ethical Hacker being the “Core” and the Licensed Penetration Tester being the “Master” level certification.

The Cyber Range iLabs:

As the ECSA course is a fully hands-on program, the exercises cover real world scenario. By practicing the skills that are provided to you in the ECSA class, we are able to bring you up to speed with the latest threats that organizations may be vulnerable to.

This can be achieved with the EC-Council Cyber Range iLabs. It allows you to dynamically access a host of Virtual Machines preconfigured with vulnerabilities, exploits, tools, and scripts from anywhere with an internet connection.

Our web portal enables you to launch an entire range of target machines and access them remotely with one simple click. It is the most cost effective and easy to use live range lab solution available.

With iLabs, lab exercises can be accessed 24x7, allowing the student to practice skills in a safe and fully functional network anytime it is convenient.

Our guided step-by-step labs include exercises with detailed tasks, supporting tools, and additional materials as well as our state-of-the-art “Open Environment” allowing you to launch a complete live range open for any form of hacking or testing.

Available target machines are completely virtualized, allowing you to control and reset machines quickly and easily with no required instructor or administrative interaction.

What's New in ECSA V9?

Skills Based Competency

The ECSAV9 penetration-testing course is designed to enhance the skills based competency of a penetration tester. This course is intensively hands-on and a tremendous amount of emphasis is placed on the practical competency of the student.

Unlike the previous version of ECSA exam, in the new ECSAv9, a student will only be allowed to challenge the ECSA exam after meeting certain eligibility requirements.

To become eligible, a student must conduct a detailed penetration test through the EC-Council Cyber Range iLabs environment and submit a written report via EC-Council’s ASPEN system.

Only candidates that successfully complete the penetration test in the Cyber Range iLabs environment are allowed to challenge the ECSA exam.

You will conduct a penetration test on a company that has various departments, subnets and servers, and multiple operating systems with defense mechanisms architecture that has both militarized and non-militarized zones.

The design of the course is such that the instructor in the class will actually take you through the core concepts of conducting a penetration test based on EC-Council’s published penetration testing methodology and guide you through the report writing process for this organization.

EC-COUNCIL Certified Security Analyst/Licensed Penetration Tester
5 Days
01/07/2019 01/11/2019
EC-COUNCIL Certified Security Analyst/Licensed Penetration Tester
5 Days
Guaranteed to Run (GTR)
03/04/2019 03/08/2019
EC-COUNCIL Certified Security Analyst/Licensed Penetration Tester
5 Days
Guaranteed to Run (GTR)
04/22/2019 04/26/2019
EC-COUNCIL Certified Security Analyst/Licensed Penetration Tester
5 Days
to Run (GTR)
EC-COUNCIL Certified Security Analyst/Licensed Penetration Tester
5 Days
to Run (GTR)
EC-COUNCIL Certified Security Analyst/Licensed Penetration Tester
5 Days
to Run (GTR)

ECSA v9 Exam Information

Candidates that submit reports to the required standards will be provided with exam vouchers for the multiple-choice EVSA v9exam.

Multiple-choice exams are proctored online through the EC-Council Exam portal:

Credit Towards Certification: ECSA v9 Number of Questions: 150 & Passing Score: 70 Test Duration: 4 hours

What Will You Do – The ECSA ASSESSMENT

The course comprises of 2 sets of lab challenges . Both are on the EC- Council ilabs Cyber Range.

The first set covers practise labs for each module. In all, there are 45 such labs in total.

The other is a Challenge Scenario which mimics an actual penetration test in an imaginary financial service company. As a pre-requisite, you will be required to actually complete a penetration testing activity and submit a report to EC-Council before you will be allowed to attempt the ECSAV9 Exam.

The Challenge Scenario
Brian works as a personal loan manager at FNB Financial Services which is a large multinational consulting corporation, headquartered in Atlanta, U.S.A. FNB specializes in personal, home equity, and debt consolidation loans around the world. Brian has been a trusted foot soldier for his organization for over a decade and is reeled in to handle only high-profile cases. Since Brian mostly telecommutes with his overseas clientele, he relies heavily on the network infrastructure of his organization.

EC Council Certified Security Licensed Penetration Tester E| CSA

Core Modules

1. Security Analysis and Penetration Testing Methodologies
2. TCP IP Packet Analysis
3. Pre-penetration Testing Steps
4. Information Gathering Methodology
5. Vulnerability Analysis
6. External Network Penetration Testing Methodology
7. Internal Network Penetration Testing Methodology
8. Firewall Penetration Testing Methodology
9. IDS Penetration Testing Methodology
10. Web Application Penetration Testing Methodology
11. SQL Penetration Testing Methodology
12. Database Penetration Testing Methodology
13. Wireless Network Penetration Testing Methodology
14. Mobile Devices Penetration Testing Methodology
15. Cloud Penetration Testing Methodology
16.Report Writing and Post Test Actions

Self-Study Modules

1. Password Cracking Penetration Testing
2. Router and Switches Penetration Testing
3. Denial-of-Service Penetration Testing
4. Stolen Laptop, PDAs and Cell Phones Penetration Testing
5. Source Code Penetration Testing
6. Physical Security Penetration Testing
7. Surveillance Camera Penetration Testing
8. VoIP Penetration Testing
9. VPN Penetration Testing
10. Virtual Machine Penetration Testing
11. War Dialing
12. Virus and Trojan Detection
13. Log Management Penetration Testing
14. File Integrity Checking
15. Telecommunication and Broadband Communication Penetration Testing
16. Email Security Penetration Testing
17. Security Patches Penetration Testing
18. Data Leakage Penetration Testing
19. SAP Penetration Testing
20. Standards and Compliance
21. Information System Security Principles
22. Information System Incident Handling and Response
23. Information System Auditing and Certification


Self-study modules are available in ASPEN portal


ECSA v9 Exam Information

Candidates that submit reports to the required standards will be provided with exam vouchers for the multiple-choice EVSA v9exam.

Multiple-choice exams are proctored online through the EC-Council Exam portal:

Credit Towards Certification: ECSA v9 Number of Questions: 150 & Passing Score: 70 Test Duration: 4 hours

What Will You Do – The ECSA ASSESSMENT

The course comprises of 2 sets of lab challenges . Both are on the EC- Council ilabs Cyber Range.

The first set covers practise labs for each module. In all, there are 45 such labs in total.

The other is a Challenge Scenario which mimics an actual penetration test in an imaginary financial service company. As a pre-requisite, you will be required to actually complete a penetration testing activity and submit a report to EC-Council before you will be allowed to attempt the ECSAV9 Exam.

The Challenge Scenario
Brian works as a personal loan manager at FNB Financial Services which is a large multinational consulting corporation, headquartered in Atlanta, U.S.A. FNB specializes in personal, home equity, and debt consolidation loans around the world. Brian has been a trusted foot soldier for his organization for over a decade and is reeled in to handle only high-profile cases. Since Brian mostly telecommutes with his overseas clientele, he relies heavily on the network infrastructure of his organization.

Infrastructure Available to Brian

Like any large organization, FNB’s internal network consists of several subnets housing various organizational units. The front office is connected to a separate subnet which connects to the company’s public-facing computers. The company has installed various kiosks to help customers understand their product and services. The front office also has a Wi-Fi connectivity to cater users who carry their own smartphones and laptops.

The FNB internal network is made up of Militarized and Demilitarized Zones connected with a huge pool of database servers in Database Zone. As a security precaution, and by design, all the internal resource zones are configured with different subnet IPs. The militarized zone houses the application servers that provide application frameworks for various departments of the organization.

The Demilitarized Zone contains public facing systems of the organization such as web and mail servers.

FNB headquarters' network topology and protocols are replicated around the world in all its satellite offices for easy communication with the headquarters.

Brian's Predicament

Brian is all set to present a loan consolidation plan to one of his biggest client from Japan. Mr. Takamashi, client’s representative, has agreed for a video conference to go over and discuss Brian’s proposal. Half an hour before the call, Brian switches on his laptop which is connected to the company’s Wi-Fi and LAN, to make last minute tweaks in his proposal. To his horror he finds all his files gone. The hard drive of his laptop had been wiped clean with just one file sitting in there titled, "Gothcha!"

Brian obviously had to postpone his call with the client which he knew did not go down well. He called the network admin of FNB to take a look at his computer. To his surprise the network admin informed him that this was something that employees of FNB were facing throughout the world.

Computers of FNB employees around the world were systematically being victimized by rampant hacking. The hacking was not only widespread, but was being executed so flawlessly that the attackers, after compromising a system, stole everything of value and completely erased their tracks within 20 minutes.

Brian immediately brought this to the notice of the top management. Understandably they were concerned about their network and the reputation of their organization. The sheer volume of systems hacked was an alarming revelation for them.

The management has decided to seek the service of a penetration tester or security auditor to audit their networks for security vulnerabilities in order to avoid future attacks.

FNB has identified you as a third-party penetration tester to perform the pen testing of their information infrastructure. Your challenge is to perform a thorough pen test so that people like Brian don’t have to cancel their business calls in future.

EC Council Certified Security Licensed Penetration Tester E| CSA Program

Who Should Attend

Ethical Hackers, Penetration Testers, Network Server Administrators, Firewall Administrators, Security Testers, System Administrators and Risk Assessment Professionals.

EC Council Certified Security Licensed Penetration Tester E| CSA

Income Expectation


The average salary for a EC Council Certified Security Licensed Penetration Tester Certified Employee is $111,200 in New York City. Salary estimates are provided by Cyber Security.


Upon completion of this course, and the certifying exam(s), the student will be qualified to take a job as a

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Cyber Intel Analyst
Certified Security Analyst

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Certification Exam

The ECSA exam aims to test a candidate’s knowledge and application of critical penetration testing methodologies.

To be eligible to attempt the exam, candidates are required to perform real-world penetration testing over EC-Council’s secure cyber range and to produce a penetration test report that clearly documents the vulnerabilities found. This report will be graded by our industry professionals. Candidates that successfully submit an acceptable report will proceed on to a multiple-choice exam that tests a candidate’s knowledge.

Candidates that successfully pass the multiple-choice exam will be awarded the ECSA credential.

Unlike the previous version of ECSA exam, in the new ECSAv9, a student will only be allowed to challenge the ECSA exam after meeting certain eligibility requirements.

To become eligible, a student must conduct a detailed penetration test through the EC-Council Cyber Range iLabs environment and submit a written report via EC-Council’s ASPEN system.

Only candidates that successfully complete the penetration test in the Cyber Range iLabs environment are allowed to challenge the ECSA exam.

Discount Vouchers

Why Choose Us?

We provide quality education

  • Institute of Information Technology is approved by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for Education and Training
  • Institute of Information Technology is approved by the NYS Education Department
  • Teachers are licensed by the NYS Education Department
  • Approved by NYS Labor Department
  • Approved by Workforce1 Development
  • Approved by Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR)
  • Course Contents are approved by Authorized Partners
  • Unlimited Practice Exam

We use up-to-date course content

  • Real work Experience from Expert Certified Instructors
  • Authorized Partner Approved Course Contents
  • Hands-On Instructor-Led Classroom Training
  • Simulations of Real Work Projects
  • Limitless Practice Exams
  • One-On-One Help
  • Group Study
  • Lab Practice
  • Mentoring

We value your time & investment

  • Extra Help if Needed, At No Cost, Until You Are Certified!
  • Students can repeat class until certified at no cost
  • MetroCard will be given to students
  • Payment Plan for Eligible Students
  • Lunch will be provided to students
  • Textbooks included in tuition fee
  • Free Job Placement Assistance
  • Graduates & Career Services
  • Certification Exams Center
  • Discount Exam Vouchers
  • Affordable Tuition Fee
  • Mock Interview