Certified Application Security Engineer CASE

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Certified Application Security Engineer CASE Certification Training Courses

The Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE) credential is developed in partnership with large application and software development experts globally.

The CASE credential tests the critical security skills and knowledge required throughout a typical software development life cycle (SDLC), focusing on the importance of the implementation of secure methodologies and practices in today’s insecure operating environment.

The CASE certified training program is developed concurrently to prepare software professionals with the necessary capabilities that are expected by employers and academia globally.It is designed to be a hands-on, comprehensive application security course that will help software professionals create secure applications. The training program encompasses security activities involved in all phases of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC): planning, creating, testing, and deploying an application.

Unlike other application security trainings, CASE goes beyond just the guidelines on secure coding practices and includes secure requirement gathering, robust application design, and handling security issues in post development phases of application development.

This makes CASE one of the most comprehensive certifications on the market today. It is desired by software application engineers, analysts, testers globally, and respected by hiring authorities.

The Purpose of CASE Is

  • To ensure that application security is no longer an afterthought but a foremost one.
  • To lay the foundation required by all application developers and development organizations, to produce secure applications with greater stability and fewer security risks to the consumer, therefore, making security a foremost thought.
  • To ensure that the organizations mitigate the risk of losing millions due to security compromises that may arise with every step of application development process.
  • To help individuals develop the habit of giving importance to security sacrosanct of their job role in the SDLC, therefore opening security as the main domain for testers, developers, network administrator etc.

Secure Software Development Process

The Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE) training and certification program provides a comprehensive application security approach which encompasses security activities involved in all the phases of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC).

For most organizations, software and applications determine their success. However, expedition, duplication, and penny-pinching often take centrestage with security consideration taking a backseat or is not present at all. An insecure or vulnerable application places these businesses at risk.

Addressing security in each phase of the SDLC is the most effective way to create highly secure applications. Robust security-focused design principles followed by rigorous security-focused coding, testing, and deployment practices will lead to applications that can stand up to attacks. This will result in lower ownership costs for both, the end user and the application vendor.

Why Become a Certified Application Security Engineer

Immediate Credibility: The CASE program affirms that you are indeed an expert in application security. It also demonstrates the skills that you possess for employers globally.

Pertinent Knowledge: Through the CASE certification and training program, you will be able to expand your application security knowledge.

Multifaceted Skills: CASE can be applied to a wide variety of platforms, such as, mobile applications, web applications, IoT devices, and many more.

A Holistic Outlook: Ranging from pre-deployment to post-deployment security techniques, covering every aspect of secure – software development life cycle, CASE arms you with the necessary skills to build a secure application.

Better Protect and Defend: By making an application more secure you are also helping defend both organizations and individuals globally. As a CASE, it is in your hands to protect and defend and ultimately help build a safer world.


The .Net framework has increased in popularity because of its open source nature, interoperability, language independence, library of codes and ease of deployment. It has become the preferred choice of application developers. However, there are not many training programs that address secure application development.

While .Net developers often learn security on the job, primarily because the basic education of programming does not usually cover or emphasize security concerns, the CASE program trains these developers to place importance on security.


According to the 2017 State of Software Security Report, nearly 90% of Java applications contain one or more vulnerable component/s, making them ideal breach points for hostile attackers.

Although Java has come a long way from its development in 1995, cyber crime has also spread, reaching epidemic levels, increasing the need for secure Java developers, regardless of whether they’re creating a new program or upgrading revising an old one.

About the Course


Total Training: 24 hours or 3 full-day sessions

Course Material

All attendees will receive their personal copy of the CASE courseware, an EC-Council CASE exam voucher, and access to iLabs (EC-Council’s cloud driven labs environment)


The CASE exam can be challenged after attending the official CASE training. Candidates that successfully pass the exam will receive their CASE certificate and membership privileges. Members are expected to adhere to the policies of EC-Council’s Continuing Education Requirements.

SCHEDULE DATES 24 hours or 3 full-day sessions
Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE)
3 Days
01/07/2019 01/11/2019
Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE)
3 Days
Guaranteed to Run (GTR)
03/04/2019 03/08/2019
Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE)
3 Days
Guaranteed to Run (GTR)
04/22/2019 04/26/2019
Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE)
3 Days
Guaranteed to Run (GTR)
05/06/2019 05/10/2019
Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE)
3 Days
Guaranteed to Run (GTR)
07/15/2019 07/19/2019
Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE)
3 Days
to Run (GTR)
Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE)
3 Days
to Run (GTR)
Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE)
3 Days
to Run (GTR)
Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE)
3 Days
to Run (GTR)
Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE)
3 Days
to Run (GTR)

Certified Application Security Engineer CASE Objective

What You Will Learn

In-depth understanding of secure SDLC and secure SDLC models

Knowledge of OWASP Top 10, threat modelling, SAST and DAST

Capturing security requirements of an application in development

Defining, maintaining, and enforcing application security best practices

Performing manual and automated code review of application

Conducting application security testing for web applications to assess the vulnerabilities

Driving development of a holistic application security program

Rating the severity of defects and publishing comprehensive reports detailing associated risks and mitigations

Working in teams to improve security posture

Application security scanning technologies such as AppScan, Fortify, WebInspect, static application security testing (SAST), dynamic application security testing (DAST), single sign-on, and encryption

Following secure coding standards that are based on industry-accepted best practices such as OWASP Guide, or CERT Secure Coding to address common coding vulnerabilities.

Creating a software source code review process that is a part of the development cycles (SDLC, Agile, CI/CD)

Certified Application Security Engineer CASE Certification Training Classes

  • Understanding Application Security, Threats, and Attacks
  • Security Requirements Gathering
  • Secure Application Design and Architecture
  • Secure Coding Practices for Input Validation
  • Secure Coding Practices for Authentication and Authorization
  • Secure Coding Practices for Cryptography
  • Secure Coding Practices for Session Management
  • Secure Coding Practices for Error Handling
  • Static and Dynamic Application Security Testing (SAST & DAST)
  • Secure Deployment and Maintenance

Who Is It For?

  • Java Developers with a minimum of 2 years of experience  and individuals who want to become application security engineers/analysts/testers
  • Individuals involved in the role of developing, testing, managing, or protecting wide area of applications
Certified Application Security Engineer CASE Program
  • This course is designed for individuals who have basic computer user skills and who are interested in obtaining a job as an entry-level IT technician.
  • HS Diploma/GED

Certified Application Security Engineer CASE

Income Expectation


The average salary for a Ethical Hacker Practical Certified Employee is $111,200 in New York City. Salary estimates are provided by Cybersecurity .


Upon completion of this course, and the certifying exam(s), the student will be qualified to take a job as a

Security Engineer
Security Manager
Networking Executive
Security Administrator.

Certified Application Security Engineer CASE Certification Training Classes

EC-Council Network Security Administrator E| NSA

Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Certification C| HFI

Licensed Penetration Tester Master L |PT

EC Council Disaster Recovery Professional E| DRP

Certified Application Security Engineer CASE Certification Training Courses


Certified Application Security Engineer CASE Certification Training Classes

CASE allows application developers and testers to demonstrate their mastery of the knowledge and skills required to handle common application security vulnerabilities.

Number of Questions: 50

Test Duration: 2 Hours

Test Format: Multiple Choice Questions

Passing Score: 70%

Availability: EC-Council Exam Portal

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to apply to sit for the CASE Exam, the candidate must either:

  • Attend the official EC-Council CASE training through an accredited EC-Council Partner (Accredited Training Centre/ iWeek/ iLearn) (All candidates are required to pay the USD100 application fee unless your training fee already includes this) or
  • be an ECSP (.NET/ Java) member in good standing (you need not pay a duplicate application fee, as this fee has already been paid) or
  • have a minimum of 2 years working experience in InfoSec/ Software domain (you will need to pay USD 100 as a non-refundable application fee) or
  • have any other industry equivalent certifications such as GSSP .NET/Java (you will need to pay USD 100 as a non-refundable application fee)

Discount Vouchers

Why Choose Us?

We provide quality education

  • Institute of Information Technology is approved by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for Education and Training
  • Institute of Information Technology is approved by the NYS Education Department
  • Teachers are licensed by the NYS Education Department
  • Approved by NYS Labor Department
  • Approved by Workforce1 Development
  • Approved by Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR)
  • Course Contents are approved by Authorized Partners
  • Unlimited Practice Exam

We use up-to-date course content

  • Real work Experience from Expert Certified Instructors
  • Authorized Partner Approved Course Contents
  • Hands-On Instructor-Led Classroom Training
  • Simulations of Real Work Projects
  • Limitless Practice Exams
  • One-On-One Help
  • Group Study
  • Lab Practice
  • Mentoring

We value your time & investment

  • Extra Help if Needed, At No Cost, Until You Are Certified!
  • Students can repeat class until certified at no cost
  • MetroCard will be given to students
  • Payment Plan for Eligible Students
  • Lunch will be provided to students
  • Textbooks included in tuition fee
  • Free Job Placement Assistance
  • Graduates & Career Services
  • Certification Exams Center
  • Discount Exam Vouchers
  • Affordable Tuition Fee
  • Mock Interview