The Institute of Information Technology is an equal opportunity institution. The school is open to all students without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, creed, origin, sexual orientation, disability or marital status. To be eligible for admission, the student must meet the following requirements:
The Institute of Information Technology admits as regular students applicants who will be at least 18 years old at course initiation.
Have an initial interview with an Admissions Representative. It is the policy of the school not to allow any third party sign enrollment. An Admissions Representative will explain to the applicant the school programs and policies during the interview.
Provide a valid driver's license, state ID with photo, or valid passport.
Have a Social Security Number or Alternate Identification number or equivalent.
Students must also be able to provide proof of appropriate educational pre requisites such as:
Copy of high school/GED diploma, Associate Degree or higher.
Copy of high school transcript showing graduation date (note: the high school diploma or transcript can also be from a foreign school if it is equivalent to a US high school diploma; documentation of completion of secondary education certificate.
Have a recognized equivalent of high school diploma such as a home-schooled certificate by the state where the student resided during home schooling. The student must have completed home schooling at the secondary level as defined by state law,
All applicants must complete and sign an Enrollment Agreement.
Student must pay the required Registration Fee.
Student must pay tuition fee.
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