EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS Training

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EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS Certification Training Courses

EC-Council Certified Security Specialist (ECSS) allows students to enhance their skills in three different areas namely information security, network security, and computer forensics.

Information security plays a vital role in most organizations. Information security is where information, information processing, and communications are protected against the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and information processing. In communications, information security also covers trustworthy authentication of messages that covers identification of verifying and recording the approval and authorization of information, non-alteration of data, and the non-repudiation of communication or stored data.


EC-Council reserves the right to impose additional restriction to comply with the policy. Failure to act in accordance with this clause shall render the authorized training center (ATC) in violation of their agreement with EC-Council. EC-Council reserves the right to revoke the certification of any person in breach of this requirement.


The age requirement for attending the training or attempting the exam is restricted to any candidate that is at least 18 years old.

If the candidate is under the age of 18, they are not eligible to attend the official training or eligible to attempt the certification exam unless they provide the accredited training center (ATC) or EC-Council a written consent of their parent or their legal guardian and a supporting letter from their institution of higher learning. Only applicants from nationally accredited institutions of higher learning shall be considered.

EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS
5 Hours a Day 5 Days a Week
01/07/2019 01/11/2019
EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS
5 Hours a Day 5 Days a Week
Guaranteed to Run (GTR)
03/04/2019 03/08/2019
EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS
5 Hours a Day 5 Days a Week
Guaranteed to Run (GTR)
05/06/2019 05/10/2019
EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS
5 Hours a Day 5 Days a Week
Guaranteed to Run (GTR)
07/08/2019 07/12/2019
EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS
5 Hours a Day 5 Days a Week
Guaranteed to Run (GTR)
09/09/2019 09/13/2019
EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS
5 Hours a Day 5 Days a Week
to Run (GTR)
EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS
5 Hours a Day 5 Days a Week
to Run (GTR)
EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS
5 Hours a Day 5 Days a Week
to Run (GTR)
EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS
5 Hours a Day 5 Days a Week
to Run (GTR)
EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS
5 Hours a Day 5 Days a Week
to Run (GTR)

EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS Objective

Who Should Attend

Course Duration

This course will benefit students who are interested in learning the fundamentals of information security, network security, and computer forensics. 3 days (9:00 – 5:00)

EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS Certification Training Courses

This course prepares an individual to sit for ECSS exam This certification is an excellent complement to educational offerings in the domain of security and networking.

Educational institutions can provide greater value to students by providing them not only with one of the most updated courses available today, but also a certification that empowers students in the corporate world.

EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS Program
  • This course is designed for individuals who have basic computer user skills and who are interested in obtaining a job as an entry-level IT technician.
  • HS Diploma/GED

EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS

Income Expectation


The average salary for a Ethical Hacker Practical Certified Employee is $111,200 in New York City. Salary estimates are provided by Cybersecurity .


Upon completion of this course, and the certifying exam(s), the student will be qualified to take a job as a

Certified Security Specialist

EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS Certification Training Courses Classes

EC-Council Certified Disaster Recovery E| CDR

Advanced Network Defense (CAST 614)

Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE)


EC-Council Certified Security Specialist E| CSS Certification Training Courses Classes


The age requirement for attending the training or attempting the exam is restricted to any candidate that is at least 18 years old.

If the candidate is under the age of 18, they are not eligible to attend the official training or eligible to attempt the certification exam unless they provide the accredited training center (ATC) or EC-Council a written consent of their parent or their legal guardian and a supporting letter from their institution of higher learning. Only applicants from nationally accredited institutions of higher learning shall be considered.

Exam Information

The ECSS exam will be conducted on the last day of training. Students need to pass the online EC-Council Exam to receive the ECSS certification.

Exam Details:
Number of Questions: 50
Passing Score: 70%
Test Duration: 2 Hours
Test Format: Multiple Choice
Test Delivery: EC-Council Exam Portal

Discount Vouchers

Certified Instructors

Why Choose Us?

We provide quality education

  • Institute of Information Technology is approved by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for Education and Training
  • Institute of Information Technology is approved by the NYS Education Department
  • Teachers are licensed by the NYS Education Department
  • Approved by NYS Labor Department
  • Approved by Workforce1 Development
  • Approved by Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR)
  • Course Contents are approved by Authorized Partners
  • Unlimited Practice Exam

We use up-to-date course content

  • Real work Experience from Expert Certified Instructors
  • Authorized Partner Approved Course Contents
  • Hands-On Instructor-Led Classroom Training
  • Simulations of Real Work Projects
  • Limitless Practice Exams
  • One-On-One Help
  • Group Study
  • Lab Practice
  • Mentoring

We value your time & investment

  • Extra Help if Needed, At No Cost, Until You Are Certified!
  • Students can repeat class until certified at no cost
  • MetroCard will be given to students
  • Payment Plan for Eligible Students
  • Lunch will be provided to students
  • Textbooks included in tuition fee
  • Free Job Placement Assistance
  • Graduates & Career Services
  • Certification Exams Center
  • Discount Exam Vouchers
  • Affordable Tuition Fee
  • Mock Interview