DevNet Professional Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices Certification Prep Training Courses Classes
Why Choose Us | DevNet Professional Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices Employment Objective
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DevNet Professional Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices Certification Prep Training Courses Classes
Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices v1.0 (DEVWBX 300-920) is a 90-minute exam associated with the DevNet Professional Certification. This exam tests a candidate's Webex development knowledge as it pertains to Webex API foundations, Webex Meetings, WebEx Devices, messaging, embedding Webex, and administration and compliance. The course, Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices, helps candidates to prepare for this exam.
The following topics are general guidelines for the content likely to be included on the exam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery of the exam. To better reflect the contents of the exam and for clarity purposes, the guidelines below may change at any time without notice.
SCHEDULE DATES - 40 Hour Program
DEVWBX 300-920
9AM - 5PM (Weekends)
Start Date & Graduation Date
07/21/2020 to 08/20/2020
1 Day (8 Hours) a Week for 5 Weeks
DEVWBX 300-920
9AM - 5PM (Weekdays)
Start Date & Graduation Date
08/07/2020 to 08/09/2020
5 Days (40 Hours) a Week for 1 Week
DEVWBX 300-920
9AM - 5PM (Weekdays)
Start Date & Graduation Date
08/28/2020 to 09/01/2020
5 Days (40 Hours) a Week for 1 Week
DEVWBX 300-920
9AM - 5PM (Weekends) |
Start Date
Graduation Date |
08/20/2020 |
1 Day (8 Hours) a Week for 5 Weeks | |
DEVWBX 300-920
9AM - 5PM (Weekdays) |
Start Date
Graduation Date |
08/09/2020 |
5 Days (40 Hours) a Week for 1 Week | |
DEVWBX 300-920
9AM - 5PM (Weekdays) |
Start Date
Graduation Date |
09/01/2020 |
5 Days (40 Hours) a Week for 1 Week |
DevNet Professional Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices Certification Objective
Webex API Foundation
Embedding Webex
Administration and Compliance
DevNet Professional Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices Certification Prep Training Courses Classes
Webex API Foundation
Describe the process to get access to Webex APIs for a given scenario (including getting the necessary users roles from a Webex administrator)
Identify the authentication methods for Webex Teams, devices, and meetings
Troubleshoot error codes for REST API responses (including rate limiting, access, and authentication)
Interpret a REST API response that includes pagination and filtering
Construct a JavaScript request using promises with a Webex JavaScript SDK
Describe the OAuth token management lifecycle
Describe the capabilities of the Webex Meeting APIs
Construct the JavaScript to schedule a meeting
Construct HTTP requests with the XML API to manage users
Construct the JavaScript to list and download a recording of a meeting
Compare the capabilities and use of xAPI over SSH, REST APIs, and WebSockets
Describe the mechanisms to send and receive data
Construct a script using 'jsxapi' to address a scenario
Troubleshoot macros
Construct a custom user interaction (including in-room controls)
Construct REST API requests using JSON and HTTP for a given scenario (managing spaces, teams, and memberships)
Construct a JavaScript application to send a message and to retrieve the content of an incoming message
Construct a JavaScript application that uses cards
Diagnose the process of managing Webhooks including resource and event filters
Describe the limitations and capabilities of bots
Identify whether to use a bot or an Integration in a given scenario
Embedding Webex
Construct a HTML page embedding a Widget using an Integration or guest issuer
Construct the JavaScript to call and screen share with the browser SDK
Construct the JavaScript to call and send messages with the browser SDK and guest issuer
Describe the mechanisms to receive incoming call notifications for IOS and Android SDKs
Administration and Compliance
Construct the JavaScript to administer a Webex organization
- User and licenses
- Devices
Construct JavaScript to collect compliance data
Identify the requirements, steps, and permissions needed to take a compliance action on a message or space
Construct the JavaScript to send requests to multiple devices for a given scenario
DevNet Professional Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices Training Courses Classes Program
- This course is designed for individuals who have basic computer user skills and who are interested in obtaining a job as an entry-level IT technician.
- HS Diploma/GED
DevNet Professional Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices Certification Prep
Income Expectation
The average salary for a DevNet Professional Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices Certified Employee is $65,322 in New York City. Salary estimates are provided by CISCO.
Upon completion of this course, and the certifying exam(s), the student will be qualified to take a job as a
DevNet Professional Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices
DevNet Professional Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices Certification Prep Training Courses Classes
CCNP Collaboration
CCNP Service Provider
CCNP Enterprise
DevNet Professional Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices Certification Prep Training Courses Classes
DevNet Professional Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices Certification Prep Training Courses Classes
Developing Applications for Cisco Webex and Webex Devices v1.0 (DEVWBX 300-920) is a 90-minute exam associated with the DevNet Professional Certification.