CompTIA CDIA+ Vouchers | Cheap CDIA+ Exam Voucher

★   Exam voucher

★  CompTIA exams are vendor neutral

★   Option to test remotely

★   Voucher valid for 12 months


List Price: $650.00

You Pay: $499.00

55 customer review

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  • Course Overview

CompTIA Certified Document Imaging Architect (CDIA+) certification validates the knowledge of sales professionals that deliver document imaging solutions. In order to get certified, you must pass one exam.

After you place your order you will receive an order confirmation e-mail. Once payment is processed you will receive a second e-mail that will include your exam voucher number -- you need this number to register for your exam. It is important that you provide a valid e-mail address and that your system does not block messages from Institute of Information Technology.

Vouchers are only available for purchase and use at a Pearson VUE test center in North America. Vouchers expire twelve months from date of purchase. The Voucher must be used to schedule and sit for the exam on or before the expiration date. The specific expiration date will be sent with the voucher number via email. All sales of exam vouchers are final, no exceptions.

★   Exam voucher

★  CompTIA exams are vendor neutral

★   Option to test remotely

★   Voucher valid for 12 months